Not an Akiya, but here is an affordable and livable old house that has been refurbished last year. For more information on this property, please visit KORYOYA site below.
(sorry that the photos on this page were before renovation)
See the hazard map of this house on Kyoto city site here. The house is in the landslide yellow (caution) zone.
For those interested in properties in the same area, you can search
京都市山科区四ノ宮行者谷 中古物件
京都市山科区四ノ宮小金塚 中古物件
(sorry that the photos on this page were before renovation)
See the hazard map of this house on Kyoto city site here. The house is in the landslide yellow (caution) zone.
For those interested in properties in the same area, you can search
京都市山科区四ノ宮行者谷 中古物件
京都市山科区四ノ宮小金塚 中古物件
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