How to Place & Caring Feng Shui Money Frog
The money frog is a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. It is said to bring luck and wealth to those who place it in their home or office. The money frog is usually depicted with a coin in its mouth, which represents the flow of money and good luck into one's life. The three legs of the frog represent the trinity of heaven, earth, and man, which represent balance and harmony.
Watch the video to learn more about the feng shui money frog as well as how to place it correctly.
The money frog is a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. It is said to bring luck and wealth to those who place it in their home or office. The money frog is usually depicted with a coin in its mouth, which represents the flow of money and good luck into one's life. The three legs of the frog represent the trinity of heaven, earth, and man, which represent balance and harmony.
Watch the video to learn more about the feng shui money frog as well as how to place it correctly.
- Catégories
- Feng Shui
- Mots-clés
- feng shui money frog, money frog, how to activate money frog