A Common Mistake Photographers Make

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Ever noticed photos where the room seems off balance, where the walls lean and nothing feels quite right? That’s often because the tripod was set too high, angling the camera down into the room, which distorts those crucial vertical lines. ???????? 

Here’s the fix: It’s all about the tripod height. Lower it down, then adjust so your camera is level, ensuring your vertical lines are perfectly straight. The difference? It’s night and day. Suddenly, the room opens up, feels more inviting, and most importantly, looks true to life.

Straight lines are the backbone of professional real estate photography. They convey structure, beauty, and that elusive sense of 'just right' that hooks a viewer’s interest.

Want to dive deeper into mastering real estate photography and learn how to get paid for your work? Hit the subscribe button and click the link in the bio where you'll find a free 40-minute workshop I put together that teaches you all about how to get started ????✨
Photographie Immobilière

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